Diana Cooksey
MSU GPS Laboratory
Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences
Montana State University-Bozeman
This document provides a mostly verbal explanation of the Global Positoning System (with a few graphics). Please see the GPS slide shows for an explanation which includes text and color graphics.
The first GPS satellite was launched by the U.S. Air Force in early 1978. There are now at least 24 satellites orbiting the earth at an altitude of about 11, 000 nautical miles. The high altitude insures that the satellite orbits are stable, precise and predictable, and that the satellites' motion through space is not affected by atmospheric drag. These 24 satellites make up a full GPS constellation.
The GPS satellites are powered primarily by sun-seeking solar panels, with nicad batteries providing secondary power. On board each GPS satellite are four atomic clocks, only one of which is in use at a time. These highly accurate atomic clocks enable GPS to provide the most accurate timing system that exists.
U.S. military uses GPS for navigation, reconnaissance, and missile guidance systems. Civilian use of GPS developed at the same time as military uses were being established, and has expanded far beyond original expectations. There are civilian applications for GPS in almost every field, from surveying to transportation to natural resource management to agriculture. Most civilian uses of GPS, however, fall into one of four categories: navigation, surveying, mapping and timing.
The Russian government has developed a system, similar to GPS, called GLONASS. The first GLONASS satellite launch was in October 1982. The full constellation consists of 24 satellites in 3 orbit planes, which have a 64.8 degree inclination to the earth's equator. The GLONASS system now consists of 12 healthy satellites. GLONASS uses the same code for each satellite and many frequencies, whereas GPS which uses two frequencies and a different code for each satellite. Some GPS receiver manufacturers have incorporated the capability to receive both GPS and GLONASS signals. This increases the availability of satellites and the integrity of combined system.
Galileo is
Europe's contribution to the next generation Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). Unlike GPS, which is funded by the public sector and operated by the U.S. Air Force, Galileo will be a civil‑controlled system that draws on both public and private sectors for funding. The service will be free at the point of use, but a range of chargeable services with additional features will also be offered. These additional features would include improved reception, accuracy and availability. Design of the Galileo system is being finalized and the delivery of initial services is targeted for 2008.
More and more producers today are using precision farming techniques that can help increase profits and protect the environment. Precision, or site-specific farming involves applying fertilizer, pesticides and other inputs only where they are needed. GPS-guided equipment is often used for variable rate application of fertilizer (based on soil tests) or pesticides (based on pest survey). GPS can also be used to develop the initial reference maps upon which variable rate applications are based. A GPS system on a combine with a yield monitor can be used to develop an on-the-go yield map or can be used to map weed locations from the combine when harvesting. Mounted in an airplane, GPS can be used to guide aerial spraying operations.
GPS can be used to locate weed, insect or diseases infestations and monitor their spread. It can also be used to navigate back to previously mapped infestations to apply controls. A field map can be created using GPS to record the coordinates of field borders, fence lines, canals, pipelines, and point locations such as wells, buildings, and landscape features. The resulting field map might be the first layer a producer would develop for an on-farm GIS (Geographic Information System). Additional layers showing crop damage from hail or drought, and riparian areas or wetlands could be mapped using GPS. Ranchers could use GPS to develop rangeland utilization maps and to navigate back to previously mapped areas or monitoring sites.
GPS is being used for emergency response (fire, ambulance, police), search and rescue, fleet management (trucking, delivery vehicles, and public transportation) and for automobile guidance systems. Recreational uses of GPS include navigation while hiking, hunting, or skiing. GPS is even used on golf courses to track golf carts, and to let players know how far it is to the center of the greens.
On our nation's waterways, GPS is being used for recreational sailing and fishing and for commercial shipping fleet management. Assisted steering, risk assessment and hazard warning systems for marine navigation are being developed using GPS.
In the air, GPS is being used for en-route navigation (helicopter, airplane, hot-air balloon), aircraft landing, and air-collision avoidance systems.
GPS applications in natural resource management include inventory and mapping of soils, vegetation types, threatened and endangered species, lake and stream boundaries and wildlife habitat. GPS has been used to aid in damage assessment after natural disasters such as fires, floods and earthquakes. GPS has also been used to map archaeological sites and for infrastructure (streets, highways and utilities) mapping, management, and planning for future growth. Engineers use GPS for surveying when building roads, bridges and other structures.
Source: www.montana.edu
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